Situation could be much better
much better than today
you know that you could do much better
much better than you do today
but how come you never try to change situation
how come you always escape
out of a serious conversation
dont’t you know it can’t never be too late
for us to succeed
out of every misery
you can be released
as long as you beleive
Help is coming
As long as you beleive
Help is coming
For us to be released
For us to be released
Your lifestyle could be so different
From how it is right now
Know that you could change so many things
If only you want that
You should know it can’t never be too late
Just get up and try
And if you fall and wonder why
Just try an other time
But don’t give up to fight
Help is coming
As long as you beleive
Help is coming
For us to be released
For us to be released
You’re always looking for a scapegoat
Like everything is their fault
And never ever you gonna say maybe I did mistake
I black and white sky
Never you gonna say why
like you know everything in what thay say just can’t be right
How come you never change
How come you always failed in everything you did before back then until today
Help is coming
As long as you beleive
Help is coming
For us to be released
For us to be released
Jul 25, 2010
Jul 22, 2010
Facebook Can Threaten Relationships
Report: Devices can cause jealousy.
by Melissa Healy Los Angeles Times
September 4, 2009
Never mind the perils of cyber-stalking, cyber-bullying and posting photos that could endanger your future job prospects: Facebook could be ruining your relationship and driving you toward compulsively jealous behavior.Social psychologists from the University of Guelph in Canada queried college students who were in romantic relationships about their Facebook use. Their preliminary findings, described in the journal CyberPsychology & Behavior, suggest that rather than enhancing communication between romantic partners, Facebook use may be fueling wild flights of jealous investigation, as users in relationships perceive hints of potential infidelity and then scramble to find evidence of a partner’s unfaithful thoughts or behavior.
Invariably, it seems, they end up feeling more jealous.
And where does this lead? For some participants in the study, these investigations led to searching behavior they described as “addictive.” And the bouts of escalating jealousy, say the researchers, cannot be good for a relationship.
While the survey was of college students, the researchers surmised that Facebook might unleash the same dynamics in adult relationships. Certainly, they noted, it’s worth further research.
The research team responsible for the latest survey has previously found that young adults’ need for popularity led them to disclose far more personal information on Facebook than they would reveal in the course of ordinary social contact.
Copyright © 2010, The Los Angeles Times
At Piano
Bob Dylan At Piano During Recording Session, 1965. Bob Dylan in a contemplative mood, lost in thought behind his Ray-Bans, pausing for a break between takes at the upright piano at Studio A, Columbia Recording Studios in New York City during the sessions for “Highway 61 Revisited” in June 1965, a mere month before his electric set at the Newport Folk Festival would send Folk and Rock and Pop music into a whole new direction. –Photo by Jerry Schatzberg.
Jul 20, 2010
Jul 19, 2010
Help Is Coming By Ayo
The most special places your heart has ever known
I hope your dreams take you… to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known
Jul 18, 2010
Jul 17, 2010
you’ll end up where you belong
— | Boy Meets World |
Jul 12, 2010
Dame un momento, dame un lugar...Dame sentimiento, hazme especial

He perdido el sentido de seguir buscando
El pedazo que quedó desubicado
Porque sé que si lo encuentro no podré guardar silencio
Y sabrás que siendo entera tengo miedo.
Si descubro que no siento
Que la pasión me abandonó
Nunca supe usar la razón
Soy atracción de pasajero
Mañana me olvidarán
Y la historia sigue...
Dame un momento dame un lugar
Sé que si me voy me voy me voy me voy
No vuelvo más Dame sentimiento, hazme especial
Sé que si me voy me voy me voy me voy
No vuelvo más
Y quizá recordárás.
Dicen que la vida de un hombre acompañado
Se recuerdo más que al hombre solitario.
Pero si dejo de perderme
Y llega la felicidad
Sé que no podría aguantar
Sólo los genios permanecen
Mañana me olvidarás
y la historia sigue...
Dame un momento, dame un lugar
Sé que si me voy me voy me voy me voy
No vuelvo más Dame sentimiento, hazme especial
Sé que si me voy me voy me voy me voy
No vuelvo más
Y quizá recordárás
Y quizá recordarás.
Ximena Sarinana - No Vuelvo Mas
Jul 10, 2010
Jul 9, 2010
FIFA has announced the nominees for 2010 World Cup Golden Ball trophy
FIFA has announced the nominees for 2010 World Cup Golden Ball trophy, which will be awarded after the finals on Sunday. The nominees are:
Jul 6, 2010
Jul 4, 2010
Napoleon Bonaparte Love Letter To Josephine
To Josephine
Dec. 29, 1795
I awake all filled with you. Your image and the intoxicating pleasures of last night, allow my senses no rest.
Sweet and matchless Josephine, how strangely you work upon my heart.
Are you angry with me? Are you unhappy? Are you upset?
My soul is broken with grief and my love for you forbids repose. But how can I rest any more, when I yield to the feeling that masters my inmost self, when I quaff from your lips and from your heart a scorching flame?
Yes! One night has taught me how far your portrait falls short of yourself!
You start at midday: in three hours I shall see you again.
Till then, a thousand kisses, mio dolce amor! but give me none back for they set my blood on fire.